Thursday, 9 December 2010

A tuition fee's worth.

So the tuition fees have trebled. It is unfortunate that the fierce efforts made by students and supporters against the tuition fee rise resulted in its inevitable rise.

However the efforts weren't worthless. The vote figures show a close call:

"The coalition's majority was slashed from around 80 to just 21 as 323 MPs voted 'yes' and 302 opted for 'no'" - Sky News Tuition Fee Rise

I wonder myself though, is my degree even worth its price it is now?
Sometimes I feel I'm buying this degree.


Wednesday, 8 December 2010

A swift edit.

A short project I was working on with a talented colleague of mine resulted in a good product.
His presenter showreel, although for a University course; was executed brilliantly. Many variations for his presenting pieces were used. It gave me as an editor a wonderful addition to a playground. I was free to snip here and there, use a nifty effect here and there. It wouldn't have gone so good had it not been for his decisive pieces. He knew exactly what he wanted, what kind of tone and had a precise vision in his head of what he wanted it to come out as.

Big thank you to Lee Peart for allowing me to work with him on his project. There may even be a second time we'll be working alongside each other. On a more interesting project which may appeal to all those who are socialites!


Monday, 6 December 2010

A deal.

Ya know the saying: "if it is too good to be true, it usually is"
or something along those lines? Could this opportunity be too good?

Well Amazon have launched a studio. They're inviting writers and filmmakers to participate in a contest where you could win big money and recognition. I only recently found this from surfing the net.

They have an annual award contest and a bonus monthly contest. If you're really confident to test your mettle then give it ago! it sounds like a great opportunity. 
They've also set up a community, review and rate other writer's work.

Go for it!


Sunday, 5 December 2010

A good shoot...

It's working on small projects that make me realise and remind me that I'm pursuing a brilliant industry. Today was a tight scheduled shoot. In a restaurant, in a busy shopping centre. Now with these kind of places there are many, many trials film crew have to over come: Noise, people, venue owners, certain product names to be wary of.
Maybe lady luck was with us, or maybe the early start had us in a focused mood to get this done as swiftly as possible. In any case it was an experience, mine and the other actor's improvisation skills were really tested here. However quick light hearted conversation before shooting the scenes made for a guided improv'. The filmmaker was happy with the few takes we got the job done in.

The shoot got me fuelled. As soon as I arrived home I continued writing the current comedy script. Which is going great visually. There will be some changes being made to the story treatment though. I have two directions I'd like to take it. So chances are I'd make two versions and through feedback decide on the winner...

...and to conclude todays post. This is Mouine Omari, a top quality filmmaker and camera-operator I have been closely working with recently. Yes he does look deadly with an RPG launcher.. err I meant a camera. (Being an Arab probably comes with those faces when they pick up shoulder mounted equipment :P)
Jokes aside though, I have to thank Mouine, I have learnt a lot from him. I hope this applies vice versa.


Saturday, 4 December 2010

A dystopian mind.

From the many ideas and visions I have in my head, whether it is drama, or more recently, a comedy. There is one genre that keeps coming back to me. I only just realised it is a genre too.
Dystopia and its counterpart Utopia.
The sharpest ideas and images I have either begin as a dystopian narrative, setting, atmosphere or eventually it incorporates itself into what I'm writing.
It could be due to the barrel loads of horror, fantasy and science fiction I prefer to watch.
Namely 28 Days Later, Battle Royale, Blade Runner, The Running Man, Logan's Run and the list could go on and on and on.

It is something about a dystopia or a utopia that captivates and influences character builds and plot lines. I've had a very clear recurring vision for months now. I reckon I'll begin writing something on it after finishing up what I'm working on now.

Its dark. Very dark, it may even be disturbing for some.

On a side note. I'm learning to deal with un-reliable people. This past week I've been challenged with them so much. It is like I can just tell a B***S*** excuse from a mile off.


Friday, 3 December 2010


Complete F.N.G at blogging here. Had to start at some point.
This will be my new playground then. 

KYP (Keep you posted) people!